Let no one
who loves
be unhappy...
Even love
has its rainbow.

James M. Barrie








The pink sphere of the causal body is the third sphere that we enter. This sphere contains the energy of the pink ray of God’s love, that is also anchored within our heart chakra.



We discover the fullness of love’s discipline that leads us to be able to give to, and receive from the universe without hindrance. Now, the love of the Father and the Son, that was strengthened in the yellow sphere, comes to dwell in the heart of the loved child who keeps the commandments of Christ. We contemplate the “little way” demonstrated by Saint Therese of Lisieux. We know that our strength is made perfect in weakness, like Jesus taught, and that God’s grace is sufficient. We embrace the childlike consciousness that shall lead us into the kingdom of heaven, into the pink sphere of the causal body.

Here, divine love is expressed as purest love, charity, compassion and chastening. Love is an innate flame of responsibility, where we respond to our ability to be like Him, to love as God loves. Immersed in the flame of love, we partake of the Holy Spirit, which ultimately dissolves all that moves against love as the merciful action of divine judgment.

The master Serapis describes the pink sphere as an unfolding rose. In a 1981 dictation called Love That Has the Courage to Be, he explains:

“The circle of petals of this spherical chamber move from the most delicate pink of sensitivity to the heart of the babe newly born, the throbbing of the bird in spring, sensitivity to the whispering of the sun, the delicate breezes, the burden of heart upon the loved one. Delicate shades of pink and golden pink glow-ray enfolding within move, then, to the more intense manifestations of the ruby light and the ruby ray which, as the laser beam, must go forth in defense of love!” Serapis Bey teaches that the ruby ray is an essential element of love whereby all anti-love, as hatred, is turned in upon itself and self-consumed.

Serapis teaches that love is not learned. Love simply is. And when it wells up in our heart, we know that God is there, and we say, “Lo, I AM here below as thou art above.” There is the love for elemental life, the love of angels, and the love Jesus spoke of when he said, “Love of one another as I have loved you.” Serapis tells us we can find perfect love in the heart of a loved one, especially when we focus on God who dwells in that heart. We can look for it in a mother's smile, in the tenderness of father, in the sweetness of a child's prayer at eventide, or in the rejoicing in the fields of Maytime. We find it in an algebraic formula, in the reading of the stars, and even in a simple recipe that brings joy to those who partake of the results. We find it in the song of the bird at dawn, in the dewdrop on the rose, and when we meditate upon nature's floral offerings.



We expand the pink sphere of our causal body when we expand the divine standards of beauty, co-creativity with God, generosity, self-givingness, divine consolation, adoration to God, devotion, the ability to cherish life, and to uphold the flame of liberty as love in action.

We are blocked from experiencing divine love and from entering our pink sphere when we engage in hatred, self-hatred, mild dislike, irritation, hardness of heart, and all of the self-sabotaging momentums that come from non-resolution within the psyche.

People who have a strong momentum on the pink ray are those who, in many lifetimes, have engaged in compassionate service towards life, as well as artists who strive to unfold patterns of classical beauty, fine art and co-creativity with God.

The Archangels Chamuel and Charity, the master Paul the Venetian, the Elohim Heros and Amora, the Goddess of Beauty and many other ascended masters and angelic beings help us to expand the pink ray of God’s love. The gift of the Holy Spirit that is released from this ray is the gift of the discerning of spirits. We can make the call each night to be taken to the Paul the Venetian’s Retreat, the Chateau de la Liberte and to the Goddess of Liberty’s Temple of the Sun, where our souls are tutored on the path of divine love.





The fruits of our tree of life on the pink sphere of our causal body are the sefirot Hesed and Gevurah. Hesed is the sefirah of love and mercy, and Gevurah is the sefirah of strength, intentionality and divine judgment. Whenever we bring forth a a new increment of divine love, kindness and charity into the world through Hesed, we are multiplying the power of the pink sphere of our causal body. When this influx of divine love is rejected or abused, the fire of Gevurah descends as divine judgment to roll back and consume that which is anti-love.

When we express the energies of Hesed, we follow the words of Jesus, “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” When we express the sefirah of Gevurah, we fulfill the words of Jesus, “For judgment I AM come.” These two seemingly opposing positions work in polarity to anchor the full spectrum of divine love, from the tenderest pink to the most intense ruby ray. Meditating on these sefirot helps us to embody love's many virtues. The energy released from Hesed helps us to transcend our apathy towards the sufferings of the world, to become compassionate ones like the Buddha, seeking to save the seemingly unsavable. The energy released from Gevurah helps us to love the discipline of God, who “chastens those whom he loves.” We understand that it is through the discipline of Father-Mother God that we become the disciple who strives to overcome all cruelty towards towards life within and without.

The name Hesed means “might, authority and transcendence,” and the name Gevurah means “the strong and mighty one.” The name of God associated with Hesed is El, and the name of God associated with Gevurah is Elohim.



For more information on your divine presence
and the spheres of your causal body, please visit the
Teachings of the Ascended Masters and The Summit Lighthouse