My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky.
Henry W. Longfellow
As we move from the pink sphere
to the violet sphere, we find that the energy of love becomes expressed
as the violet flame of freedom.
The violet flame is the joyous, uplifting aspect of God’s
consciousness that transmutes negative substance, forgives our trespasses
against life, and restores our soul to the wholeness of the divine
blueprint. Through the action of the violet flame, we experience
the prophecy foretold by Jesus, “And God shall wipe away all
tears from their eyes and there shall be no more sadness, for the
former things are passed away.” By the cleansing love of the
violet flame, the scarlet stain is transmuted into the essence white.
Every erg of energy that has passed through our consciousness for
thousands of years now passes through the sacred fire. This is the
initiation of the trial by fire, trying every man's work of what
sort it is. In the violet flame of the Holy Spirit, all the energy
we have used—God's energy—is stripped of the outer coating
of human consciousness and sent back to our great causal body of
The violet ray's alchemical powers transforms the dross of human
consciousness into the gold of the Christ consciousness. It liberates
us from every binding condition in body, mind and soul. It sets
free our human energies trapped in downward, negative spiral,s and
restores their perfect vibrational blueprint—electron by electron.
The violet ray is anchored in our chakras at the level of the seat-of-the-soul
chakra. The more we magnetize this spiritual ray of cosmic freedom,
the more our soul is able to rise into the secret-chamber-of-the-heart,
where the alchemical marriage with the Christ Self takes place,
preparing us for our final ascension in the light.
When we call forth the violet
flame through mantras, prayers, songs and invocations, we are drawing
the violet energy down from our causal body to assist us in our
everyday lives. The violet flame fills the wide-open spaces between
the electrons and the nuclei of the atoms where the residue of negative
thoughts, feelings and energies accumulate. This karmic residue
can be as hard as concrete or as sticky as molasses as it registers
in our cells and auric field, causing physical degeneration, mental
recalcitrance, hardness of heart, a lack of sensitivity to the needs
of others and other spiritual blockages. The more we invoke this
luminous, intelligent substance on behalf of all life, the more
we accelerate our consciousness at the etheric, mental, emotional
and physical level. This action of spiritual freedom, amplified
by the white fire core of our causal body, helps us complete unfinished
cycles, so we can build a new and better life for ourselves and
for others.
The service we render as we
call forth the violet flame into the world of form accrues to our
“cosmic treasure house.” The violet flame we invoke
accomplishes the spiritual transmutation we have called for, and
then ascends back to the violet sphere of our causal body, multiplying
the alchemy of our Christhood many times over.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit
associated with the violet sphere of the causal body are the gift
of prophecy and the gift of the working of miracles. Through the
action of the violet flame, we expand the gift of intuition that
helps us to remember from the future and we purify our entire consciousness,
being and world for a precise application of universal law.
People who have accumulated
a strong momentum on the violet ray during their lifetimes on earth
are those who have served to set life free, through the right use
of alchemy and spiritual ritual, including holy orders of priests
and priestesses in the lineage of the Order of Melchizedek. Among
the many who have served the violet flame, we honor the beloved
master Saint Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Ray and Hierarch of
the Aquarian Age, who sponsored the outer teachings on the violet
flame in the last century.
Saint Germain served the violet flame of freedom, alchemy and prophecy
during his many lifetimes on earth. Once ascended, he pledged his
spiritual attainment as collateral for mankind to receive an outer
conscious awareness of the violet flame. Saint Germain chose to
sponsor the revelation of this divine energy to mankind that we
might experiment with the alchemy of self-transformation as that
sacred fire. Today, there are at least a million souls, who either
on inner or outer levels, are fully aware of the violet flame or
have the equivalent of the violet flame, even though they do not
have a name for it. Some call it the violet light. They see that
light, they are attracted to it, and they magnetize it down into
their auras from their own causal body.
Saint Germain serves with his twin flame, Lady Master Portia, with
Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, with the Elohim Arcturus and
Victoria, and with many other masters and angels. Their goal is
to expand the awareness of the violet flame here below because the
violet flame is the key to bringing in the Golden Age of Aquarius.
This golden age is already happening in the etheric retreats and
cities in the heaven-world over this planet. It has been prophesied
to descend as the “New Jerusalem” and is God’s
will for mankind. We play our part in this divine plan each time
we invoke the seventh ray action by offering mantras, decrees and
songs dedicated to the violet flame.
Our soul is tutored in the alchemy of the violet flame at night
when we visit the etheric retreats of the violet flame masters during
sleep, including the Cave
of Symbols and the Temple
of Purification where the Priesthood of Melchizedek gathers.
You can call to Archangel Michael and to the angels of the violet
flame to take you to these retreats during the hours of sleep, in
accordance with the will of God for your lifestream.
We also invite you to partake
in invoking the miracle violet flame each day on internet radio
You may also visit our website,
to read more about the benefits of giving violet flame mantras and
expanding that sphere of your causal body.
The fruit of our tree of life
on the violet sphere of our causal body is the sefirah Tiferet.
At the higher levels of the tree of life, we contact the divine
presence of the I AM who, as it says in the Bible, cannot behold
iniquity. Tiferet, midpoint on the tree of life, is the sefirah
of the divine Son, the universal Chirst who mediates between God
and man; the universal Vishnu who preserves and sustains all life.
The divine mediator petitions
before the throne of God, before the higher sefirot, on behalf of
all life that is yet in a state of becoming. This alchemy of forgiveness
and transmutation sets the soul free and empowers her to climb higher
on the ladder of divine perfectionment. As Jesus said, “Be
ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven (in the higher
spheres and sefirot of your causal body) is perfect.” Through
the merciful intercession of Tiferet, we receive the goad to come
up higher and we release our consciousness of sin. Jesus' disciple
John witnessed to the action of Tiferet when he wrote, “For
God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that
the world through him might be saved.” Christ, the divine
Son, Tiferet, who was embodied in Jesus, comes to every man as the
way, the truth and the life— up that tree of life, up that
spinal stalk.
The name Tiferet signifies
“the passionate, and the essence of God.” Mother Teresa
described this “passionate” love of Christ when she
said, “Despite all of our weaknesses, God is in love with
The name of God associated
with Tiferet is YHVH, which is voiced as Adonai. Meditating on Tiferet
helps us to manifest the divine beauty and harmony of our core self
and essential nature, so that we can overcome the ugliness and aberrance
of a life that is out of harmony with the divine cycles of manifestation.
The violet flame is the spiritual action of forgiveness and transmutation
that helps us to clear the way for Tiferet, for divine beauty and
manifestation. In the words of Isaiah, “Prepare ye the way
of the Lord.”
more information on your divine presence
and the spheres of your causal body, please visit the
Teachings of the Ascended Masters and The
Summit Lighthouse