Let your
surround you,
to colour
your day.

The Seekers




The white sphere of our causal body is our spiritual point of origin, and embodies the essence of every other sphere. Our soul, and the soul of our twin flame, were created from that white fire core, where our Mighty I AM Presence abides, before we began our journey through the other spheres of our individuated causal bodies.

The white sphere is also the sphere through which our soul returns to God. When our soul has learned her lessons, balanced her karma and met the spiritual requirements for the ascension, she will graduate from the mortal realms and becomes immortal.

The white light is the Fourth Ray of God. This ray is served by the master Serapis Bey, Chohan of the Fourth Ray and hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, as well as by Archangel Gabriel and Hope, by the mighty seraphim, by the Elohim Purity and Astrea and by many other ascended masters and angelic beings. It is amplified in the earth on Friday.

The gift of the Holy Spirit known as the “working of miracles” falls under this ray. Miracles occur when an action of intense devotion releases the white light, thereby creating a shift in the physical plane. This sphere also contains the Divine Word that the Hindus call “Vach”— the mystic sound that engenders divine creativity, as recorded in the Gospel of John: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”



The white sphere of our causal body is a cosmic repository of hope, self-discipline, harmony, humility, innocence, purity and divine perfection. It manifests in the world of form through the physical sciences, including physics and chemistry, through the disciplines of mathematics and geometry, and through architectural and and engineering feats that have been accomplished in ancient and modern civilizations.

Souls who have magnified the qualities of the white light during their lifetimes on earth have a more developed white sphere within their causal body. These include artists, musicians, sculptors, architects, planners and cleaners who have espoused the ray of divine purity in their work. It also includes those who have served in the armed forces—including military and defense strategists—those who work in security and police departments, and all who defend the flame of life.

The white light becomes the vehicle for the Divine Mother in the world of form, and is contained within the nucleus of every atom. It also resides in our base-of-the-spine chakra as Kundalini energy. When this intense Kundalini fire awakens, it magnetizes the white light of the Divine Father from the center of our causal body. This polarity forms the cosmic interchange between Alpha and Omega energies, where the light crosses over from Spirit into Matter, and then back from Matter into Spirit, giving birth to the Christ consciousness within us through the action of the Holy Spirit.



The fiery flow of cosmic purity rising upon our spinal altar prepares us for the ascension. It consumes what is impermanent and divides the real from the unreal within us. It displaces the human ego with its stubborn will, intellect, and pride, so that we can find our true self-esteem in God. As this spiritual acceleration takes place, we let go of negative habits that misused the white light, including laziness, sloth, untidiness, self-indulgence, self-pity, self-justification, brittleness, fanaticism, meanness, waste, lusting for money, and misqualified sexual energies. The white light also helps us to transcend divisiveness so we can outpicture the divine Law of the One, where we love God with all our heart, soul and mind, and love our neighbors as ourselves.




The fruit of our tree of life on the white sphere of our causal body is the sefirah Keter. Keter is the sefirah kabbalists call the crown, the apex of spirit, and the origination of the divine plan. This sefirah is God's consciousness of self. In the book Kabbalah: Key to Your Inner Power, Elizabeth Clare Prophet writes, “Whenever you act with a pure heart and an unblemished motive, desiring only to glorify God, you are multiplying the power of your white sphere and you are stimulating the flow of Keter's light into the world.”

The name Keter signifies, “I will reveal myself in the outworking of events.” The name of God associated with this sefirot is Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, which means I AM that I AM. Meditating on Keter and reciting this name of God helps us overcome all overt or subtle atheism, including any non-belief in the power of God to save our soul and to give us our victory in this embodiment. This strips us of pride and helps us to extend the same humility, mercy and forgiveness that God extends to us, into our relationships with others, overcoming offense. This also strengthens our understanding that every action we take in this world produces a corresponding reaction in the heaven-world, either for good or for ill. Through Keter, we find the fulfillment of the hermetic maxim, “as above, so below,” and its corresponding statement, “as below, so above.”

are the divine pastels that anchor subtle energies in the secondary heart chakra—the secret chamber of the heart—as well as through the minor chakras on our hands, feet and spleen. The secret rays abide between the white and yellow spheres of the causal body and are expressed through the quasi-sefirot Da'at.



For more information on your divine presence
and the spheres of your causal body, please visit the
Teachings of the Ascended Masters and The Summit Lighthouse