And as he
spoke of
I looked up
and saw
the rainbow
leap with
flames of
many colors
over me.

Black Elk





The yellow sphere of the causal body is the abiding place of the Buddha, and of the Mind of God. This yellow ray is divine illumination’s flame, focusing through the crown chakra. Our crown chakra is the spiritual center through which we anchor the light of the Buddha. Through this chakra, we will experience buddhic enlightenment and the universal divine consciousness that says, “I AM everywhere in the consciousness of God.”

The action of the yellow ray in the second sphere of the causal body and in the crown chakra takes place in direct polarity to the action of the white light anchored in the base chakra and in the first sphere of the causal body. This yellow-ray action focalizes the light of the Divine Father, in polarity to the flame of the Divine Mother anchored by the white ray.



People who have a large yellow sphere in their causal body have spent many lifetimes in the pursuit and teaching of knowledge, and in the higher wisdom of spiritual law. The negative qualities that prevent the expansion of illumination’s flame include mental stubbornness, laziness, density, recalcitrance and indiscretion, the non-desire for learning, for spiritual discernment or for increasing our oneness with God the Father, through the “I and my Father are one” consciousness that Jesus demonstrated.

When we expand illumination’s flame in the crown chakra we have that oneness with the Father, who teaches us and provides us with the next right step. We are practicing the presence of God. We are anchoring that Mind of God that the apostle Paul spoke of when he said, “Let that mind be with you which was also in Christ Jesus.” We anchor and expand the divine consciousness that is held within the yellow sphere of our causal body through the crown chakra until the brain itself glistens with the golden radiance of the Christ consciousness.



The yellow ray of illumination’s flame is served by the master known as Lord Lanto, along with the master Confucius, the brothers of the Golden Robe, the Archangel Jophiel and Christine, the Elohim Apollo and Lumina, and many other angels and ascended beings. The gifts of the Holy Spirit that fall under this yellow ray are the gifts of the Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge. The etheric retreats that focus illumination’s flame for the planet include the Grand Teton Retreat and the Cathedral of Nature in Kashmir. At the Royal Teton Retreat, Lord Lanto helps souls of twin flames unite at inner levels for a greater mission of service to mankind.


The fruits of our tree of life on the yellow sphere of our causal body are the sefirot Hokhmah and Binah. Hokhmah is the sefirah of wisdom and Binah is the sefirah of understanding and revelation as an outworking of love. Whenever we download a new level of spiritual understanding and illumination, we are multiplying the power of the yellow sphere of our causal body. We are increasing the flow of God's wisdom and understanding into the world.

The name Hokhmah means “eternal existence,” and the name Binah means “redemption, freedom and salvation.” The name of God associated with Hokhmah is Yah, and the name of God associated with Binah is YHVH, which is voiced as Elohim. Meditating on the sefirot of Hokhmah and Binah helps us to attune with the mind of God; to have that mind, like the apostle Paul said, that was also in Christ Jesus. Hokhmah focuses the wisdom of the Divine Father. The energy released from this sefirot helps us transcend the sense of stupidity as a matrix put upon us by the fallen ones, whereby we label ourselves and other people as “stupid.” Binah releases the all-encompassing understanding of the Divine Mother, to bless and heal us from the sense of antipathy towards ourselves and towards others.






For more information on your divine presence
and the spheres of your causal body, please visit the
Teachings of the Ascended Masters and The Summit Lighthouse