over the
Skies are
And the
dreams that
you dare
to dream
Really do
come true.

Lyman F. Baum
















We now enter the blue sphere of the causal body. The blue sphere contains within it the energies of divine power, faith, protection, perfection, determination, discipline, good will, and obedience to the will of God. The essence of this sphere is the quality that was outpictured by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane when he said, “Father, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not my will but thine be done.”

The blue ray is a flame of loyalty and commitment to a higher divine principle and calling. Here, we awaken to the divine responsibility of our karma, and we quicken to our duty and responsibility to fulfill our inner blueprint.

The master Morya, who serves the blue flame of God’s will, explains that the action of the blue ray is like the skin on our body. It seals us and contains everything in it. The blue sphere is the final ring on our tree of life, and contains the blueprint and holds the balance for the other six rays. We are not given this final initiation of power until we have proven ourselves through the entire complement of the causal body. As we journey through the spheres of the causal body up to this point, God gives us maximum opportunity to take command of ourselves and of all of our energies, so that when divine power comes upon us, we handle the energy wisely and well.



The initiation of power is the initiation of the Son obedient to the Father, and one with his will. The right use of power was demonstrated by Jesus when he said, “I and my Father are one. I am the will of my Father made manifest. I of mine own self can do nothing. It is the Father in me which doeth the works.” Jesus acknowledged the source of his power—God—in loving deference and humility.

Humility and good will towards men is the essence of God’s will. Gautama Buddha has taught that without good will, no co-creativity with God can occur. Good will is the foundation for all divine activity anchored in the world of form. When we are able to use power without pride or ambition, without the desire to manipulate and control people, without trying to rearrange the universe to our own design rather than to the will of God, we pass the initiation of the blue sphere. This is a mantle, a “cape of ability” that manifests as a new capability to do God's word and work in the world of form.

Morya says obedience is not bondage chain. It is actually the key to our success. In the book, Lords of the Seven Rays, he writes: “Release, then, your feelings of possessiveness over your own life! Surrender the mean sense of sin and rebellion, the pitiful will to self-privilege which engenders bondage. See the will of God as omnipresent and complete, the holy beat of the Sacred Heart throbbing within your own. Know and understand that surrender is not oblivion but a point of beginning and of greater joy.”

Obedience to God is achieved in love and repolarizes our life to the polestar of being, our own Mighty I AM Presence. Loving obedience to our divine reason for being fulfills the Law of our being. It attunes us to our inner blueprint and to the still, small voice that lovingly guides us from within, every step of the way home. We align with that consciousness, and we receive the protection and forcefield of the I AM THAT I AM.

This blue sphere and ray is anchored through our power center, our throat chakra, where we exercise the authority of the word—the mighty fohat of God's power and will.We speak forth the truth that was anchored in the green sphere. We magnetize the power of the divine threefold flame anchored in our heart to change negative world conditions. We respond to God’s promise, recorded in the book of Isaiah: “Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.” We offer mantras, decrees, spoken prayers and songs to God. We exercise the power of the Word, enduing it with our own free will.




In the blue sphere, we fully claim the identity of divine self-awareness that we visioned through the green sphere. The blue flame is an action of protection, perfection and divine direction that is very close to the physical plane. It empowers and strengthens us through faith.

The virtues and attainment stored in our blue sphere determine our empowerment on the blue ray in our everyday life. The more goodwill we manifest towards life each day, the more we increase our “power potential.” People who have large spheres of blue in their causal body have exercised good faith and the right use of free will for many lifetimes. They have exhibited good will in their actions towards others, and they also have a strong momentum on governance through self-governance first. By mastering their own consciousness and motives, they are then able to govern others with justice, good will and a sense of fair play. This includes statesmen, those who have served God’s will as rulers of nations, and in other activities of governance, managing the flow of the power and supply.

The blue ray is served by the Master Morya, by the Archangels Michael and Faith, by the Elohim Hercules and Amazonia and by all of the masters and angels who embody the flame of good will. Our souls train on the blue ray to overcome doubt and the lackadaisical consciouness, to increase in faith and fervor, and ultimately be receive “power from On High” to go forth in God’s name. We also do so during the hours of sleep by attending the Temple of Good Will in Darjeeling, and the Temple of Faith and Protection.






The fruit of our tree of life on the blue sphere of our causal body is the sefirah Malkhut Shekinah. This sefirah is understood as the “kingdom,” within the matter (Mater) plane. Malkhut is associated with the Divine Mother in the world of form, and the name of God associated with Malkhut is Adonai, which means Lord. We call upon the Lord through Archangel Michael to defend the Divine Mother and her Seed from Tiamat and the lashback of the dragon's tail. We transcend the negative consciousness of materialism and overcome the traps, temptations and physical addictions of life. We anchor a greater sense of the kingdom within our own consciousness as that Shekinah Glory Jesus alluded to in his teachings on the Mother, recorded in The Life of Saint Issa:

“Listen, then, to what I say unto you: Respect woman, for she is the mother of the universe, and all the truth of divine creation lies in her. She is the basis of all that is good and beautiful, as she is also the germ of life and death. On her depends the whole existence of man, for she is his natural and moral support. She gives birth to you in the midst of suffering. By the sweat of her brow she rears you, and until her death you cause her the gravest anxieties. Bless her and worship her, for she is your one friend, your one support on earth.”

Woman, as “mother of the universe” is an outer expression of the divine feminine that comes forth through Malkhut to bless men and women alike, and to strengthen all life.




For more information on your divine presence
and the spheres of your causal body, please visit the
Teachings of the Ascended Masters and The Summit Lighthouse