Sing out
my soul,
thy songs
of joy;
Such as a
happy bird
will sing,
Beneath a rainbow's
lovely arch.

William H. Davies











We now enter the green sphere of the causal body, where the divine energies of healing, truth, science and eternal youth abide. The green ray is the pursuit of the divine science, East and West, that brings wholeness and mastery to the four lower bodies of man—the etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies. Contained within this sphere is the mighty Emerald Matrix that brings healing to body, mind and soul, setting our psyche free from the subconscious lie so our feelings can reflect the love of God.

The master Serapis teaches that as we journey through the green sphere of the causal body, the initiations of water and fire synthesize as one in our heart, releasing the twofold light of Scorpio (water element—spirit of selflessness) and Sagittarius (fire element—spirit of victory). Through the green ray, the fire essence of our etheric blueprint is lowered into the water element of our emotional body. This anchors a deeper sense of wholeness in our feeling world so that we are unmoved by darkness appearing from within or without. As we master our emotions, we become masters of the astral—and then physical—planes. We walk the earth with the light of our personal Christhood emanating from our auric field, defying the death consciousness and reversing the spirals of disintegration.



The green ray dissolves our unbelief. It breaks down our sense of limitation. When we are confronted with threats, burdens, trials or temptations, we can experience a new level of God’s fearlessness flame. And when our sense of purpose becomes distorted, we can call, in the name of Jesus Christ, to the angels of the emerald-teal ray to seal our mind so we are better able to cope with the stresses of life.

The green ray is extremely practical. It encompasses geometry, mathematics, design, engineering, music and art. It also has to do with creating and maintaining an environment that sustains life, and provides for those who are in our care. This includes working for a living, buying food, cooking, and maintaining a home. Every time we are precipitating something of good from spirit to matter and expanding it in the world of from, we are building the City Foursquare and the temple beautiful, allowing for the outer manifestation to be a reflection of the inner beauty of the soul.

The green sphere is lowered into manifestation through the all-seeing eye of God. The green ray is the piercing action of truth and divine vision that sets life free from bondage. It activates our third eye chakra. The initiation of the third eye has to do with holding the immaculate concept for others. We become free from our past momentums of wrong seeing, wrong feeling, wrong mentalizing, and wrong being. We learn to see and care for others without putting them down. The more we learn to use our third eye correctly, the more we overcome impure seeing and the judgmental behavior Jesus rebuked when he said, “Judge not lest ye be judged. First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”



Mother Mary explains what it means to hold the immaculate concept in her dictation, The Science of the Immaculate Concept. She says, “For all of God which you see and confirm for and on behalf of mankind is recorded in the Book of Life as your awareness of selfhood as God. That which you affirm for others, you yourself become. […] And this law is also expressed in the prayer “Forgive us our transgressions even as we forgive those who transgress against us.” In proportion as the soul forgives all in its circle of acquaintances, so does the Lord God forgive the soul. […]Lifetime after lifetime, the soul must come back to the very place where its own imperfect patterns have resulted in the manifestation of chaos and confusion. When the soul condemns the chaos and the confusion, it binds itself once again to those very conditions. But when the soul affirms the God-reality, the original matrix, the blueprint of life behind every imperfect form, then it affirms its own liberation from self-imposed limitation.” (Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 17 No. 51)

The green sphere of the causal body is a sphere of healing. And the key to healing is to pull down the light of wholeness we already embody in higher octaves of being — our own individualized emerald matrix. By holding strong to this matrix of original divine perfection, we lower that matrix into matter.

The green sphere follows the purple and gold sphere of ministration and service, because to become true healers, we must give up those areas of selfishness that prevent us from letting go of another’s wrong doing. We must be able to see and serve others as God does, without prejudice or resentment. When we hold the immaculate concept and forgive ourselves and others, healing can begin. We mend the hurts of the past because we esteem ourselves and others in the way that God does.

The green ray is served by the Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, by Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, by the master Hilarion who was embodied as Saint Paul, by Pallas Athena and the legions of truth, and many other masters and angelic beings. The gift of the Holy Spirit on this ray is the gift of healing.

People who serve on the green ray include missionaries, teachers, servants of God in the healing arts, scientists, engineers, mathematicians. musicians, as well as specialists in computer and space technology. The green ray encompasses the science of longetivity and regeneration, the power of exorcism and the practical actualization of the divine laws of the energy flow. The green sphere also has to do with the spiritual laws governing abundance and the management of money in the physical realm. The more we anchor divine harmony and pursue our true calling in God, the more we harvest the good fruit of our tree of life and increase in abundance.

People who have a strong momentum on the green sphere of the causal body have served the flame of divine truth and healing for centuries. They speak the truth into the very teeth of darkness without concern for reputation or popularity. Like Saint Patrick, they expose the fallen ones and “take up Serpents.” They also strive to conquer the negative aspects of self by recreating themselves daily in the image and likeness of God—eliminating one by one those aspects of consciousness that departed from an original state of wholeness, in order to reintegrate with God at a deeper level.

We can increase our consciousness of the green sphere by meditating upon geometric forms, upon the molecular structure of matter found in crystals, and by listening to nature and the harmony and rhythm of classical music, as well as the music of the spheres. We can also increase in our understanding of the green ray by attending the Temple of Truth and Archangel Raphael andMother Mary’s Healing Retreat over Fatima in our soul consciousness while our bodies sleep at night.

As we expand our attainment on the green ray, a major pitfall we face is pride. The master Hilarion speaks of this in the book, Lords of the Seven Rays. “What will be your net gain if all that you see is vanity?” he asks. “What will be your net gain when you stand naked as you came into the world and as you return? The net gain is the virtue of the works and the graces that you have drawn forth to forge a permanent identity in God.”

Healers, speakers of truth, and those who pursue divine science must do so for the salvation of souls and for the glory of God—not to aggrandize the lesser self. We have to overcome the carnal mind that seeks to glorify the ego and thinks it is the doer. We have to embody the quality of humility, and become as the little child who, Jesus said, “shall lead them.”

Ultimately, the green ray gives us the power to convert multitudes, as we pass the seven initiations which Jesus conferred upon his disciples. These are:
The power to preach—Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
The power to remit sins through baptism—He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.
The power to exorcize—In my name they shall cast out devils.
The power to convert—They shall speak with new tongues.
The power to judge (fallen) angels—They shall take up serpents.
The power to be whole—And if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them.
The power to heal—They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.

For as it is recorded, Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness. “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.” Such is the alchemy, the responsibility and the full manifestation of the green sphere.




The fruit of our tree of life on the green sphere of our causal body is the sefirah Yesod, which means foundation. At this level of the tree of life, we are establishing a spiritual foundation for living that will also permeate and express through our thoughts, words, and deeds. We are building our house on rock and not on sand, as Jesus taught. We are overcoming instability and healing our soul of disfunctional patterns and out-of-balance states.

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

There are two names of God associated with Yesod—El Hai, which means “Living God” and Shaddai, which means “Almighty.”


For more information on your divine presence
and the spheres of your causal body, please visit the
Teachings of the Ascended Masters and The Summit Lighthouse