It was
the rainbow
gave thee
birth, and
left thee
all her
lovely hues.

W. H. Davies




In the purple and gold sphere of the causal body, we find the practical application of love through ministration and service. This ray of God is anchored in our physical form through our solar plexus chakra.


The solar plexus chakra is where we tie into our emotions and “gut” feelings. This chakra was created as the “place of the sun” within our auric field, and is intended to be a brilliant shield of golden energy, a solar ring-pass-not over the lower abdomen. For most people however, this area is often beset by churning energies of upheaval, agitation, fear and discomfort. As we invoke the violet flame to cleanse our challenging emotions, we can regain our spiritual mastery, seal our solar plexus and anchor a deep sense of abiding peace. This was prophesied by Jesus when he said that “out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living waters.” Such is the alchemy of the purple and gold ray, and of the Prince of Peace. When the solar plexus is sealed in light, it becomes a reservoir in matter for the energies of divine peace.

The purple and gold ray also focuses the divine energies of brotherhood, and ministration and service. This, Jesus taught his disciples when he said, “He who would be greatest among you, let him be the servant of all.” The mandate for those who serve on the purple and gold ray is, “Ich dien. I serve. I am my brother’s keeper. The servant is not greater than his Lord, who is the Christ aborning in the heart of the brethren.”

The purple and gold ray expands in us as we strive to be the heart, head and hands of God wherever we are needed. As Saint Teresa of Avila wrote, “Christ has no body now, but yours. No hands, no feet on earth, but yours.” This understanding was echoed by Dannion Brinkley following his near-death experience. Dannion likes to tell people, “If God couldn't come today and sent you, what difference would you make?”


Our service on the purple and gold ray tests whether we can be selfless, and sacrifice our personal “lesser” motives and desires for a greater good that is seeking to come through us. True ministration and service allows the will of our higher self to manifest through us. This is a difficult initiation that tests our emotions— whether we can let go of the desire to control our outer circumstances from the standpoint of the human ego.

Jesus showed us the way through this initiation when he prayed, “Father, let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done.” We have to “let go and let God,” and consecrate our emotions to God. We are asked to stretch, to “give until it hurts,” as Mother Teresa said. The hurt comes from having to let go of our pride-based attachments and our human control mechanisms, including our cherished beliefs of how things should be. We must become the Good Samaritan and supply the difference when we see the need, even if what is required inconveniences our human self.

We surrender to the divine will manifesting through us, as a little child holding the master's hand, following his lead: “Except ye become as a little child, ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven.” In this self-emptying process, God becomes the all. Our human separateness dissolves into nothingness. We fully identify with the inner light and we joyously go forth with childlike simplicity, utterly dependent upon God.

We love God with “all of our heart, soul and mind,” as Jesus taught, and we love our neighbors as ourselves. The full momentum and power of divine desire fills our emotions and is released through our solar plexus as rivers of living water. We merge our desiring with God’s desire to be God, in all of our thoughts, feelings and actions. Then, the powerful energies of our emotions lock into the higher gear of divine energies in motion, and we experience a new level of self-mastery and spiritual empowerment.

In the book, Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura, the master Djwal Kul explains that the energies drawn from the desire body of God that are anchored through our solar plexus are unlimited in their release to bless mankind. These sublimated energies multiply our talents, and our word and work, whether our dharma is one of healing and science, or of bringing forth abundance, or of upholding the arts and the culture of the Divine Mother.

We now function as true co-creators with our divine self and we experience the joy of the saints, the joy of the Lord, the joyous energy of the resurrection that follows the crucifixion of the stubborn human ego. The purple and gold ray—anchored through our feeling world, through the solar plexus, for the multiplication of the energies of life—has become the key to our immortal victory.

In his dictation, The Emerald Tablet of the Heart, the master Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus writes: “By the establishment of the sun of one desire within the desire body, all energy and life that you have ever sent forth will rush homeward to the center of that place of the sun. One-pointedness of desire to be God, his emissary, his messenger, his manifestation—this one-pointedness results in the immediate manifestation of the Great Central Sun Magnet, the great sun disc. Centering, then, in the desire body, all karma, positive and negative, all energy ever qualified by the Word or the Work returns to the Sun for redemption.”

People who have a strong momentum on the purple and gold ray, and a large purple and gold sphere in their causal body, have served many lifetimes in ministering to others. This includes ministers, missionaries, community leaders, healers, teachers, psychologists, therapists, counselors at laws, sociologists, public servants, those who work in health and human services, and most importantly, mothers and homemakers.

The purple and gold sphere also has do with the mastery of speech and communication. Through this ray, we express ourselves with compassion, tenderness, and sensitivity towards others. The gifts of the Holy Spirit that fall on this ray are the gifts of Diverse Kinds of Tongues and the gifts of the Interpretation of Tongues.

Another key aspect of the purple and gold ray relates to the implementation of law and justice, which includes the legal defense of those who suffer at the hand of others who manipulate the law for selfish, unjust and nefarious purposes. People who gain mastery on the purple and gold ray are anchoring larger increments of their Christhood. In so doing, they become spiritually empowered to challenge the darkness and deceit that is pitted against lightbearers worldwide. In this confrontation with darkness, the purple and gold ray becomes an action of divine judgment against the darkness which must not prevail.

The purple and gold ray is served by Jesus, Lady Master Nada, the Archangels Uriel and Aurora, the Elohim Peace and Aloha, and many other masters, angels and saints who have expanded this sphere of divine consciousness. We can learn more about this sphere of light by visiting Nada’s Rose Temple, the Arabian Retreat and the Temple of Peace, at night during sleep.




The fruits of our tree of life on the purple and gold sphere of our causal body are the sefirot Netzah and Hod. Netzah is the sefirah of endurance, victory and resurrection. Hod is the sefirah of splendor, majesty and surrender, to the glory of God. The name Hod means “supreme commander over heavenly and earthly forces.”
At this level of the tree of life, we are exercising the divine action Jesus spoke of when he said, “I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword.” Jesus, the Prince of Peace, reveals through this statement that the action of peace is a two-edged sword, dividing the real from the unreal, and separating the tares from the wheat. We wield that sword of divine splendor and majesty, and we release the fire of Netzah and Hod, to roll back the engines of war, and to curtail the powers and principalities of darkness that would pit brother against brother throughout the globe.

The name of God associated with Netzah is YHVH Tzevaot, spoken as Adonai Tzevaot and translated as “Lord of Hosts.” The name of God associated with Hod is Elohim Tzevaot, translated as “God of Hosts.” When we call upon these two names of God, we are summoning the armies of Heaven to defeat the warring, both in our members and on a planetary scale. This purging action ultimately helps us usher in a consciousness of true brotherhood that is to become the hallmark of the Aquarian Age.

The more we meditate on the sefirot of Netzah and Hod, the more we will come to understand the highest expression of glory and achievement. We overcome the human lust and greed associated with ambition, as well as our human ego's imperious craving to inspire astonishment and admiration. Our works, dedicated to the glory to God, become the “Abel (able) offering” that withstands the trial by fire and achieves permanency in God.


For more information on your divine presence
and the spheres of your causal body, please visit the
Teachings of the Ascended Masters and The Summit Lighthouse