O beautiful rainbow,
all woven
of light!
There's not
in thy tissue
one shadow
of night.
is open
when thou
dost appear.
And, bending
thee above,
the angels
draw near,
And sing,
“The rainbow!
The rainbow!
The smile of
God is here.”
Sarah Hale
We are entering the
mystical veils of the secret rays, nestled between the white
and yellow sphere of our causal body. Our journey through
the seven outer spheres of the causal body was an Alpha energy
thrust and initiation. Now, we gently penetrate the inner
dimension of the secret rays as our Omega return and initiation.
To enter the spheres of the five inner secret rays and release
that light into the world requires prior mastery and spiritual
attainment on the seven outer rays. The violet flame is also
the means by which our soul can enter these spheres of consciousness.
The violet flame is the means of conveyance from one octave—or
heaven—to the next. The more we purify our consciousness
by invoking the violet flame, the more we prepare our soul
consciousness to enter these spheres.
The fiery energies of
the five secret rays surround the Holy of Holies of the I
AM THAT I AM. They delve into the deep recesses of the white-fire
core being in God, where we hear revealed our secret name,
the fohatic vibration and key that is our unique divine blueprint.
The secret rays are translucent,
iridescent, multicolored, pastel rays with a crystalline quality.
They are gradations of consciousness, blending the flames
as a jeweled light with a mother-of-pearl luster. Mighty Cosmos
describes them as having the power of the diamond, and yet
being as gentle as the wind and the raindrops.
The fiery core of being
where the flames of the secret rays pulsate is always in motion
through the love action of the Holy Spirit. In the midst of
this acceleration, we find the perfect balance of cosmic forces,
where peace abounds. It is a point of equilibrium that rests
in the vortex of continual movement, like the motion of a
top spinning on a table. This action of whirling energy in
harmony weaves the light substance of the secret ray spheres.
It is a tightly coiled energy that releases new spirals of
life and co-creativity with God.
The Christ-consciousness
that emanates through the secret rays becomes tangible in
the seven rays. The secret rays “amp up” the qualities
of the seven rays, making their colors more vivid and intense.
All of the power of the outer
seven rays actually springs forth from the five secret rays.
Each new burst of energy released from the center of the five
secret rays travels through the seven rays to the periphery
of God's cosmic consciousness, releasing new and higher cycles
of self-awareness in God.
In each succeeding manifestation,
cosmic spheres open to a new compartment of identity in God,
awakening us to our eternal reality. Lady Master Nada describes
this reality in the book, Lord of the Seven Rays.
She says, “When God speaks, he is saying, 'I AM that
soul, I AM that awareness of self, I AM that I am.' When the
soul speaks in the first person echoing the words of the Creator,
the soul declares, 'I am that God. I am that Life. I am that
I AM.' And as the energies flow from the Spirit to the soul,
from the soul to the Spirit, from God to man, from man to
God, who can say at what point God is becoming man, man is
becoming God? Who can say at what point there is the nexus
of the interchange where God is man and man is God?”
The five secret rays
form rings around the secret chamber of the heart, and are
also in the core of every chakra. In time, we may learn how
to release the five secret rays from the nucleus of each of
the seven chakras. Doing so for righteousness sake fills our
lives with joy, beauty and eternal life. If we abuse the power
of the secret rays for selfish gain, however, that karma may
bring about swift and sudden accidents, crises, illnesses,
and even death. The violation of the secret rays is like the
violation of the nucleus of the atom for destructive purposes.
It is utterly destructive.
Lady Master Nada speaks about the importance of working with
the secret rays in this age. She says, “You are living
in an era that will be marked by some of the greatest changes
that will ever take place both upon the planetary body and
within the consciousness of its inhabitants. This era will
be marked by the saturation of the earth with the five secret
rays released from the hand of Mighty Cosmos [...] that mankind
might go within to establish the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit,
to perfect the blueprint, the inner keys, and the devotion
to the Holy of Holies that is necessary to bring forth the
kingdom of God into manifestation upon earth in preparation
for the two-thousand-year reign of the Christ Consciousness.”
(Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 16 No. 17, April 29,
The secret rays work are released through the minor chakras
that are the points of the wounds of Christ. Through the chakras
in our hands, the secret rays bless, heal and turn back negative
energy. Through the feet, the secret rays anchor powerful
currents into the earth. The secret rays also manifest through
the thymus gland and through the organ of the spleen, which
are near the heart. They secret rays are anchored through
the right brain (whereas the seven rays are anchored through
the left brain.) They also emanate from a mother's breasts,
especially when she nurses her child.
Meditating on the secret rays gives us a heightened sensitivity
to life. Our outer awareness becomes more self-effacing, and
our inner awareness becomes more powerful. The secret rays
bring to us the five points of testing that we must master
in order to walk the path of Christ and Buddha. They initiate,
purge and perfect our soul so that we can master our soul
senses, and achieve balance, cleansing and a spiritual repolarization
at all levels. The secret rays purge, purify and “try
every man's work of which sort it is,” down to the smallest
detail of beauty and kindness. With the help of the secret
rays, we become more detail-oriented and strive to manifest
God's perfection in the details. We strive to overcome dalliance,
sloppiness, and the lack of cleanliness so we can give our
best to God and man.
The heavenly beings who help us focus the five secret rays
are Mighty Cosmos, the five Dhyani Buddhas, the Lord Maha
Chohan, the Archangels and Elohim of the Five Secret Rays,
and many others.
The secret rays are expressed in our
tree of life through the quasi-sefirah Da'at. Kabbalists consider
Da'at to spring forth from Keter as divine inspiration. Da'at
is anchored through the secret chamber of the heart where
the soul experiences intimacy with the Beloved. Da'at is the
abode of the mystics, a place of deep self-knowledge and intuitive
knowingness” Here, divine ideations fly directly from
the heart of God into the branches of our tree of life as
winged angles (angels ) of consciousness, releasing love's
dazzling light.
more information on your divine presence
and the spheres of your causal body, please visit the
of the Ascended Masters and The
Summit Lighthouse